I expose vulnerabilities in the portraits I paint in an unapologetic, mischievous way. My marks are spontaneous, expressive and simple; my colour scheme unnatural, bold; and the shapes I use are basic, a contrast to the complex emotional competencies.
As I build up the layers in my work, I purposefully allow the background to come through in parts of the painting representing the idea that we are products of our environment. At a foundational level, it is about revealing who we are as individuals.
A fascination with behavioral sciences drives my work. A brief encounter with an individual is provoking; whether he/she is wearing a particularly unique article of clothing or even witnessing a child (or adult for that matter) having a temper tantrum. Anything that elicits a feeling of raw emotion is exhilarating in itself. As a Cancerian woman, I am moody, empathetic and emotive. As a result, I am able to develop a connection and gain a better understanding of the subjects I depict in my work.
I want to not only celebrate the joys and the triumphs, but acknowledge the challenges, struggles and underlying truths. We, as people, hurt; we heal; we overcome. We are resilient.
Born on the island of Terceira in the Azores, Teresa Rodrigues immigrated to Canada with her family in the ‘70s, as a small child. She began painting after leaving a career in the legal field.
Rodrigues is a self-taught portrait/figurative artist, working out of her home studio in Orangeville, Ontario. She works predominantly in oils, rich in texture and colour. The quick, impulsive brush strokes add to the striking flavour of her paintings.
Teresa splits her time between her home studio and working as the Curator/Director at Rodrigues Contemporary. She has exhibited in juried, group and solo shows across Ontario. Her design was chosen for the new flag representing the Township of Amaranth. paintings can be found in collections across Canada and the United States.